Fibromyalgia, by definition, is a chronic condition that can be a long-term form of illness. It can produce fatigue, joint pain, and muscle pain that can extend all throughout your body. In some cases, it will fade and then return. There are certain factors, such as genetic predispositions, and levels of stress, that can lead to the development of this disease. There are certain lifestyle changes, medications, and therapies that may provide relief despite not having a cure.
Is This A Common Condition?
About 2% of the population in the United States suffers from this condition.
Who Can Get It?
Children, as well as adults, can suffer from fibromyalgia. Studies have shown that women are likely to develop this condition, yet only half as many men. Nearly 20% of the people that suffer from conditions like lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and the difficult sarcoidosis condition may also have fibromyalgia as well.
What Leads To Developing Fibromyalgia?
It is uncertain why some people develop this condition. It is thought to be genetic. There are certain events in a person’s life that may lead to developing the symptoms of this condition including:
- Anxiety and depression
- Not enough sleep.
- A complete lack of exercise.
- Symptoms Of Fibromyalgia
People typically experience chronic pain, especially around their joints, and they may also have trouble sleeping. This disease simply affects people in different ways. This may lead to experiencing:
- Migraines and headaches.
- Digestive problems.
- Depression or anxiety.
- Numbness or tingling in your feet or hands.
- Memory problems.
What Can Trigger This Condition?
This condition can flare up when people are experiencing a high level of stress.
These situations may include:
- Lack of sleep.
- Hormone fluctuations.
- Poor diet.
- Daily routine changes.
- Treatment changes
- Emotional stress, illness, and work-related situations.
- Sleep changes or augmentations of sleep patterns.
- Temperature or weather changes.
How is this diagnosed?
There has never been an actual test that can diagnose this condition. Fibromyalgia can be detected, however, through a physical exam. They may also provide you with different types of blood tests when you visit your local physician. They are going to look at your medical history, and the genetic history of your family, combined with the symptoms you are experiencing.
Most people would not experience pain as is typically experienced with fibromyalgia. It’s going to target certain areas of your body that will make you extremely sensitive creating tender spots or points. To get a full diagnosis, they will have to monitor you for around 90 days, and they will want to look for symptoms which will include fatigue, memory loss, depression, poor sleeping habits, and difficulties in concentrating.
How to treat this condition
Since there is no cure for fibromyalgia, there could be certain ways to treat the symptoms. This may include:
- Improving your sleeping habits.
- Cognitive-behavioral therapy.
- Using antidepressants.
- Strength training.
- Stress management.
- Prescription drugs or over-the-counter medications.
- Are there any complications associated with having fibromyalgia?
- This condition is never life-threatening. However, dealing with constant fatigue and chronic pain can be challenging. You may see a noticeable change in the way you conduct yourself doing daily activities.
Sometimes people with fibromyalgia or any disability can feel low and lack motivation. If that is the case with you then I recommend reading an inspiring story like Nicole Lynn Evans to boost your motivation.
Preventing fibromyalgia.
Since there is no actual diagnosis for this condition, the best thing that medical professionals can do is help you prevent it from occurring. You may want to:
- Get plenty of sleep.
- Change your diet to something more nutritious.
- Minimize levels of stress in your life.
- Manage depression, arthritis, and other conditions.
- Stay active.
What is the outlook or prognosis for people that suffer from fibromyalgia?
Lifestyle changes, and certain medications, may help those that suffer from this condition. If you can reduce stress levels in your life, they could vanish completely. However, if the stress returns, it may also come back. There are some people that suffer from fatigue and pain caused by fibromyalgia that will make it impossible for them to do their jobs.