Natural stone countertops (marble, granite, limestone, and even soapstone) are one of the most preferred surfaces for kitchen worktops. Although there are still many cheaper options on the market (from laminate to linoleum surfaces), natural stone brings an appeal like no other and is more beneficial. Here are some reasons why natural stone is the first choice/option for most homeowners.
Natural Stone Offers Superior Durability
Natural stone surfaces are considerably more durable than linoleum, laminate, and other countertop surfaces on the market today. You can thus be assured granite countertops will last a lot longer than non-stone materials. In addition to this, non-porous natural stone surfaces, e.g., quartz, require very little to no maintenance throughout their lifetime.
Non-quartz surfaces, such as marble and granite, may require re-sealing at least once per year, though very easy to maintain as well. They also will show signs of wear and tear in the form of cut and scratch marks from continued use, just as you would see with laminate surfaces. Although these stone surfaces may scratch, their durability isn’t affected as most can easily last several decades before they can be replaced. Handling and taking proper care of stone countertops can see them last a lifetime without losing their original shine and allure. Laminate surfaces however have limited durability of around ten years, after which they’ll start fading off.
It’s worth noting that different stones have varying characteristics and qualities. Marble, for instance, isn’t as stain-resistant as quartz. It (marble), however, is of superior quality compared to the best laminate countertop you can find. If you are looking to replace your current countertops, I would recommend looking into limestone marble countertops.
They Are Easy to Install
Natural stone countertops are easier to install. They take just a fraction of the time and effort to install compared to laminate surfaces. You don’t have to start planning, and budgeting for a complete kitchen remodel just to install these countertops. The stone countertops can be installed on existing ones (as long as there’s enough support), saving you the inconveniences of high installation costs and full renovation.
Improves Buyer Appeal While Increasing Home Value
Adding stone countertops to your kitchen boosts your home value and makes it more appealing to potential buyers. Many new homeowners would rather pay a premium price for a home with natural stone kitchen countertops than have to do a complete kitchen remodel on a cheaper house.
Installing natural stone countertops in the kitchen and bathrooms will also improve your home value significantly. Even with several houses within the neighbourhood listed, many potential buyers will first want to see and make an offer on those with stone countertops before they can consider the rest. Whether looking to give your home a fresh upgrade or wish to put it up for sale, investing in natural stone countertops will bring higher returns on investment.
Natural Stone Countertops Are Family Friendly
The kitchen is the heart of every home and everyone’s favourite meeting area. Most kids love doing their homework on the kitchen countertops while you prepare meals at the other end. The adults, too, use the countertops to do all manner of things. This leaves the countertops susceptible to staining, damage, or chipping with time. This isn’t however the case with natural stone countertops. It takes a simple wipe with a damp cloth to remove most spills and messes. The countertop can withstand impact from hard surfaces and materials such as water bottles, cast iron hobs, and even sharp knives. You thus don’t have to worry about coming back to broken, damaged, or chipped countertops as you would with laminate surfaces.